Mangile's Bulletin Board

Bee Guard on Hummingbird feeder.

Homemade Bee Guard for Nectar Feeder

This old Oriole sugar water feeder has been converted into a Hummingbird feeder. Bumblebees would occupy the openings and drive away the Ruby-throated hummingbirds so I thought up this idea of using a plastic soda straw to keep the bees away from the sugar water and allow the hummingbirds access to the sugar water.  It worked!  Depending on the style of your Hummingbird feeder you can find a plastic soda straw that best fits the opening(s) in the feeder.  You might have to improvise a bit, possibly splitting a straw or using a split straw as a shim to secure a good fit. Or using a smaller diameter straw to keep out honeybees.  I inserted the straw to the bottom of the feeder and cut it off one-half inch above the feeder opening.  Hummingbirds visited the feeder within minutes of this alteration. 

Fox Squirrel collage

Fox Squirrel color variations.

Above are some color morphs of the Fox Squirrel, Sciurus niger.  No. 1, usual coloration, No. 2, almost solid yellow, No. 3, usual color with white tail and underbelly, No. 4, black morph with white back and red tail.

Pied Cardinals

Unusual Colored Northern Cardinals

The unusual looking pied female Northern Cardinals at left were photographed by Crystal Tyo near Clinton, MO and John Hartley of Pittsburg, KS in late January 2008.  Strikingly similar in appearance one can only speculate if these are random plumage aberrations or a genetic mutations. It seems that the white areas are most prominent around the head and neck.

White-headed Cardinal

On January 15, 2009, Joe Klinkon photographed this white-headed female Cardinal (left) at his feeder
just west of Arma, Crawford County, KS.  This aberration is seen quite often in Northern Cardinals.

Pied Northern Cardinal female

The pied Cardinal to the left resided in the yard of Bill Peterson of Roscoe, IL for about a year and was thought to have raised young with a normal colored male.  This bird started out with a normal plumage and molted in the white. She was not seen since the fall of 2008.



Leucistic Cardinal

This leucistic (pied) Cardinal has b
een visiting the yard of Gene Foley in Joplin, Missouri
during the winter of 2022-23

Yellow male Cardinal

The Yell
ow male Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) at the left was photographed on January 14, 2022  just west of the
Pittsburg State University
in Pittsburg, Crawford County, Kansas by Amee Simons.  This is a rare coloration that is thought
to be a genetic mutation called
xanthochroism that occurs occasionally in cardinal populations. The mutated gene blocks the
bird's ability to process carotene.

Orange Male Cardinal

This Orangish colored Male Cardinal was captured on January 5, 2024 in a House Sparrow trap at the Tom Glick residence in
Pittsburg, Crawford County, Kansas.  It has been seen there since late summer of 2023.  It has a similar coloration as the one
show above.

White RobinWhite RobinBeautiful Mutant Robin

On March 28, 2004, these photos of an American Robin were taken by John Jensen of Chanute, KS, using a 35 mm camera with telephoto lens.  He was gracious enough to have Mary Haynes email them to me for use on this web page. 

Robins with white in their plumage are not too uncommon.  Though this aberration is somewhat unique,  I've seen similar photos of this species in the past.  There is a tendency to re
feMutant Robinr to birds with misplaced white plumage as "partial albinos" but that description is a bit archaic - to me.  At times Nature "goofs up" and produces plumage like that seen on this robin, where one of the color pigments is lacking.   The term "schizochroism" - the absence of one or more normally occurring pigments - seems to apply to this bird, as it displays the red pigments but lacks the black pigment.

The photo at the right was taken on May 10, 2008 by Tom Chad of Saskatoon,  Saskatchewan, Canada.  This bird's plumage is very similar to the photos above.  It is easy to make the case that the coloration on both these birds have a common origin.  Thanks Tom.

Male Cardinal molting.
Black-headed male Cardinal

Summer reports of  birds displaying bare heads are not too uncommon.  Most often the bird is a Cardinal, usually referred to as red-birds by the general public.  On July 27, 2005, the adult male Cardinal in the photo (left) was photographed by Ron Ginardi of Frontenac, KS, during one of its visits to his yard.   Ginardi thought he could see a "thin, lone feather was coming out of the top of it's head".  For an interesting account of this condition in birds click here.

White House Sparrow

White mutant House Sparrow. Normal House Sparrow with white mutant.

On August 29, 2003, Jim Ziebol photographed this very white "mutant" House Sparrow on a parking lot near Tower Grove Park in the St. Louis, Missouri area. It was among a small flock of House Sparrows and probably the same bird reported earlier by Gail Ahumada. Thanks to Yvonne Homeyer for relaying Jim's photos for use on this web page.

Please notice that the white bird has some dark (pigmented) areas in its plumage and has, what appears to be, "dark eyes". Albinos are all white with pink eyes.
(Photos by Jim Ziebol)

Pied House Finch

A leucistic House Finch with a white head.

Pied House Finch female(?) with mostly white head photographed while visiting the bird feeder at the Tom Glick residence in southwest Pittsburg, Crawford County, Kansas in December 2024. This is likely the resuls to a genetic condition call leucisim that reduced pigmentation that often display some patches of white in the plumage.

Devoted Killdeer protecting nest.

 Killdeer faking injury / baby and eggs in nest.

An orange flag marks a Killdeer nest on the parking lot of Big Brutus,  just southwest of West Mineral, Cherokee County, Kansas.  Emmett Sullivan took these photos of this protective parent bird at very close range, as it performed the "crippled wing" act.   The nesting area was protected from vehicles, allowing the Killdeer to nest successfully.  Killdeer nest in slight depressions in the rocks, and as depicted in the adjacent photo the eggs are quite difficult to see against the rocky background.  The young are able to run soon after hatching.

Young Mom apprehensive about touching snake. What is wrong with these pictures?

There is no doubt what is being projected by the body language of this young Mom!  "I'm just fine but don't move one inch closer!"  The photo was taken on July 5, 2003, by my wife, Liz Mangile, during a presentation on reptiles at Lake Crawford, near Farlington, KS.  Over 60 people, including many children, were in attendance.  Park Naturalist, Adam Murray, who assisted with the presentation, tried to ease the tension  as he attempted to get this young Mom acquainted with a beautiful, harmless, rough green snake.  The kids beggedGirls holding snake. to hold the snake - but adults are apparently much smarter! Other adults responded in the same manner as the pretty young Mom in the photo - snakes represent a menace, to the adult mind.  This photo seems to be one of those special shots that captures the essence of the moment; like the sailor kissing the girl on the street, after World War II .  It is too good a shot not to share. 

In stark contrast to the lady above, these two little cuties at the right were completely unafraid of the baby black rat snake they were holding.  Their names are not known but they were fully aware of their snake-bearing status - working the
as ambassadors.  They were part of a crowd pleasing baton show at the October 4, 2003, Craft Show that was held as a fund raiser for the South East Kansas Nature Center currently under construction in Schermerhorn Park at Galena, KS.  They deserve thanks for posing for the photo but as you might detect the pleasure was all theirs!  I wonder if Moms, like the one above, can answer why their child's behavior is so much different than their own.  After all that is a "snake" they are holding!

Pied Grackle Pied Red-winged Blackbird

Pied Common Grackle & Red-winged Blackbird

Throughout the winter of 2002 and 2003 there were several reports of pied (spotted; partly colored) "blackbirds" in the Pittsburg, Crawford County, Kansas area.  One such report was of a solid white bird seen in a flock of blackbirds of unknown species.  On March 13, 2003, a pied common grackle Quiscalus  quiscula, (above left), visited our yard and was photographed through the window of our garage, as it mingled with a small flock of  other grackles.  On April 6, 2009, Joe Klinkon snapped this pied Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus, (above right), that had been visiting a feeder at a friend's residence.  Such irregularly pied birds are erroneously referred to as "partial albinos" and are a human curiosity.   Albinos are all white with pink eyes.

Dilute-blond Rind-necked dove. Dark or wildtype ring-necked dove.

Male Ringnecked dove.

Dilute-blond vs. Wild Color Ring-necked dove

Click here for call of Ring-necked Dove, Streptopelia "risoria"

Upper left:  Photo of an apparent escaped domesticated Ring-necked dove, Streptopelia "risoria" (call ringed turtle
dove in birding guide books), was sent to me by Jan Neale of El Dorado, MO.  Upper right & Lower left: The wildtype
coloration of the ring-necked dove raised in captivity. - - Ring-necked doves have been bred in captivity for centuries.
Escapees cause confusion among bird watchers because they look much like the Eurasian Collard dove, Streptopelia decaocto.
One of the most distinguishing characteristics is the difference in their call.  Domestic Ring-necked doves are commonly bred in a variety of colors.  The wild Eurasian Collard
dove is a bit larger and not found in a wide variety of colors.  The photo in upper left appears to be dilute-blond (or fawn color).  To learn more about the variety of plumage
types in the domestic dove click here.

Diamondback Water snake eating bullhead catfish.

Diamondback Water Snake Eating Bullhead Catfish.

Caught in the act of eating one of his hand fed Bullhead Catfish, Bob Hurt of rural Pittsburg, KS snapped this photo on August 15, 2002.  The Diamondback Water Snake was said to be about 3-feet, or so, in length and about 2-inches in diameter; the catfish was about 10-12 inches long.  It took the resident snake, AKA "Sneaky Snake", about an hour to get itself around the catfish.   Great shot Bob, and thanks for feeding the wildlife!

Addendum:  The diamondback water snake is not poisonous.  Some species of water snakes are called "water moccasins" but they should not be confused with the Cottonmouth (Water) Moccasin, which is poisonous.  For a picture and some information about the cottonmouth click here.

Squirrel Proof Platform Feeder.

This is a Squirrel proof platform feeder that will end your problems with squirrels raiding your bird feeders.  Just be sure it is installed some distance from tree limbs that squirrels can use to jump to the feeder.  We have had two of them for over 30 years and never observed a squirrel on them.  The platform must not be made of wood because the squirrels can get a grip on the edge of the platform.  Good luck.

Platform feederPlatform feeder - bottom

How to solidly mount a Bluebird Nest Box on Steel Post.

Mounting a nesting box on a steel post poses a problem.  Below is a way to make a solid mount with very little effort.  The wavered lugs on one side of the post should fit into the approximately 1/4 to 3/8 inch gape between the Adapter Boards that are centered and nailed on the back of the nest box.  Then a Stop Block is needed at the top to prevent the box from sliding down the post if the wires loosen with time.  The Stop Block should be thicker than the Adapter Boards if applied directly to the back of the box - as shown in the photo below. .  It might be best applied on top of and across the top end of the Adapter Boards.  Be sure to flatted the wire against the inside back of the box to prevent birds from getting entangled.  With pliers or vise grips twist the wire tight against the post and bend ends inward to prevent injury.  Be sure to use a 6 foot post if possible so the box will be sufficiently high enough off the ground.  Also, consider the direction of the front of the box before you drive the post in the ground.

  Mounting instructionsBox mountingBlueird mountingBox on T-post

Jug and LidCheap, easy to make Ant Moat for Hummingbird sugar feeder.
(Refer to photos to follow these procedures.) Thoroughly wash and drill hole in center of lid from liquid washing soap for a tight fit for wire being used.  Any pliable wire strong enough to support the weight of feed will work, I use copper because it does not rust.  Strip 10-12 inch piece of wire and bend one end double about 3-inches, then make a short 90 degree bend on short end, as shown.  (For quicker alternate wire type twist a loop in wire as shown in pink lid.)  Put in vise as shown and twist and "pull" doubled end with vise-grips.  Remove from vise and bend a hook on twisted end.  Push long end of wire in drilled hole in top of lid.  Apply Gorilla Glue or Glue Gun glue under and around wire and tab as shown - might need a second layer.  Allow to dry for 24 hours.  Bend hanging hook to personal needs.  Install moat and fill with water then hang feeder.  After making various versions this one seems the simplest one.  Good luck.

Strip wire       Vise and twist
Bend hook Glue

   Wire applied in lidGlued wireAlternat wireMoat in use

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Maintained by:Robert J. Mangile