Mangile's Pigeon Pages

Frosty vs. Faded

The eight (8) photos on this page came from Tim Kvidera of Anoka, Minnesota.  Of particular interest is the comparison(s) of the Frosty plumage and the Faded plumage.  The frosty blue check hen's plumage appears to be unaffected by the presence of the frosty gene (hemizygous).  Frosty is thought to be sex-linked (and possibly(?) a recessive gene).  If so, it seems to be unique in that it does not express itself, to a significant degree, in hens - as do other recessive (or dominant) sex-linked genes.

Tim Kvidera's loft in the picture at the bottom of the page must be the envy of every pigeon fancier.  Thanks Tim, for the photos.

Frosty Blue Bar Homer Cock.Faded Blue Bar Homer Cock.

.Frosty Blue Check Homer Hen.
Left: A Frosty blue check hen that appears, for the most part, like a normal checkered plumage.  In this photo the largest primaries (#8, 9 & 10) appear lighter than expected in a checkered plumage.  In my Chalky birds, (hemizygous) hens and heterozygous cocks appear similar; but with some practice and much error, they can be distinguished from normal plumage by the slightly lighter flight feathers.  This is not fool proof, but it seems to be a place to start!  Homozygous Frosty cocks appear light but not white, as do the homozygous Chalky males.

Frosty Black Homer.  (nest feathers)Frosty Black Homer Cock.Faded Blue Check Homer Cock.Faded Black Homer Cock.Loft of Tim Kvidera, Anoka, MN - USA.

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