Mangile's Pigeon Pages

Who's The Boss?


Heterozygous (different).

Consider a pair of individuals (alleles) in a high-rise building (zygote) sent to a specified location (locus) to paint a room.  One individual (wildtype) carried instructions to paint the room blue; and the other individual (Bad Red) carried instructions to paint the room red.

The individual who's gains control of the situation will have all or most of the authority and the room will reflect the results of that individuals actions.  In this case, the individual with the red paint (Bad Red) appears capable of dominating the situation.  The room will be red.

___Guy Reading Map__Blue Paint  ____________Red Paint__Cowboy with guns.Dominant


Heterozygous (different).

Consider a pair of individuals (alleles) in a high-rise building (zygote) sent to a specified location (locus) to paint a room.  One individual (wildtype) carried instructions to paint the room blue; and the other individual (Lazy Ellow) carried instructions to paint the room yellow.

The individual who's gains control of the situation will have all or most of the authority and the room will reflect the results of that individuals actions.  In this case, the individual (wildtype) with the blue paint will carry out the instructions without interference from the individual with the yellow paint (Lazy Ellow); who has totally receded from the activities.  The room will be blue.

___Guy Reading Map__Blue Paint  _________________Yellow Paint__Sleeping in chair.Recessive

Hemizygous (half).

Consider a single  individual  in a high-rise building (zygote) sent to a specified location (locus) to paint a room.   That individual (wildtype) carried instructions to paint the room blue. There was no competition from another individual.  Being unopposed (hemizygous) the room would be painted blue.

___Guy Reading Map__Blue Paint  _________________

Homozygous (same).

Consider a pair of individuals (alleles) in a high-rise building (zygote) sent to a specified location (locus) to paint a room.  Both individuals carried the same (homozygous) instructions to paint the room yellow.  Having equal receding qualities and no opposition, the room will be painted yellow.

RecessiveSleeping in chair.Yellow PaintYellow PaintSleeping in chair.Recessive

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