Photos 2
Introducing - The "S-neck" The two photos above show pigeons with twisted or S-shaped necks. The red pied S-necked Roller cock (above right) belonged to Dr. Gerald Dooley. Kerry Hendricks photographed this bird at the 1987 National Young Bird Show in Louisville, KY. The 6-week old toy stenciled squeaker (above left) from my loft was photographed by Pegg Smith, on May 18, 2002. Dooley considered the possibility of a hereditary link to this condition. My current suspicion is that it is produced by a disease organism - possibly paratyphoid. Notice opposite twisted neck of each bird.
Qualmond (StQ) U. Left:Hemizygous Qualmond hen
U. Right: Heterozygous Qualmond cock L. Right - Homozygous Qualmond cock~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This photo was take with a Polaroid Camera about 20 years ago in an effort to resolve the "differences" between Qualmond and Chalky plumage in my pigeons. My original blue T-pattern Qualmond bird was a male with much bronzing on the head, neck and wing shields; but the tail and flights displayed a light almond-like, flecked, bluish-white - void of bronzing (it may have been heterozygous for recessive red, too. My experiences are that cocks express more bronzing than hens - with regards to all the "faded-types" - and it can be reduced or eliminated by selective breeding. Others were produced with less bronzing; which parallel my experiences with the Chalky plumage birds. As ironic as it may seem, I think that "dirty" (V) tends to produce lighter plumage when combined with faded, qualmond, etc. That implies that by removing the bronzing and the dirty from a faded, qualmond, etc., plumage it grades towards a more normal looking blue.
Mane Pigeon X
Racing Homer Cross.One of six F1's produced by a black Mane Pigeon (or Schlmalkalden Moorhead) male paired to an unpied blue bar Racing Homer female. All had black heads and tails. This squeaker displays the most white of the six. One sibling was totally black. Notice the Magpie marking, which may be inducive to "whitesides". None displayed signs of a head crest. All displayed varying degrees foot feathering; and one had a "half-muff"? Photo taken in May 1984
Mangileo's The black saddle hen (left) and milky ash-red cock (right), are F3's from a white Pigmy Pouter male and a milky ash-red Lahore female. Combining slipper (sl) from the Pigmy Pouter with grouse (gr) from the Lahore, eventually produced a "muff". The saddle markings became a stable pattern by the fifth generation. Fanciers dubbed them "Mangileo's". Photo by Kerry Hendricks, May 1975. (See "Synthetic Muffs In Pigeons", Issue 1, PS&GN - Jan. 1976, p. 16-18.)
Hybrid Ring-neck X Mourning Dove
About 25 years ago I received this photo from an apparent dove fancier in the state of Virgina; with only the following informaiton written on the back: Hybrid from a Mourning dove cock and a Pied Ring-neck dove hen. No neck collar & 12 tail feathers. Fall 1972.
Web toed squab.
Shown are the feet of a nine day old pigeon (called a squab) which was produced by two normal toed parent birds. The right foot (with gold colored band) has the outer and middle toes webbed to the claws and both claws are fused into one. The left foot has the inner and the rear toe (hallux) webbed to the claws but the claws are free and independent of each other. The black sire is heterozygous for milky and fringe (my+//+fg); and the fringe-milky dam is homozygous for milky and fringe (myfg//myfg). The recessive fringe mutation (genetic symbol = fg) produces a somewhat ragged plumage in pigeons -(when in the homozygous state); but has also been suspected of playing a role in the production foot and toe malformations. Whether or not the fringe mutation is involved in the production of such foot/toe conditions has not yet been resolved. Perhaps there is a linkage with another mutant that is producing these abnormal foot/toe conditions. It has already been determined that the fringe mutation is linked with the mutant called "milky" (gene symbol = my). On June 23, 2001, this black squab clearly displays a "fringe" (myfg//+fg) plumage. (Photo by Pegg Smith)